Retrospective for week 38 sprint
Description #
Review sprint for week 38.
Review #
I set up my agile environment this week and then started working on the Brand Strategy Sprint first week. I learned about:
- Three lines of business #
- Perceived Value
- Price
- Cost to produce
- Clock Model #
- Pre, post, and purchase phases #
- Three Hurdles Framework #
- Differentiation - stands out vs other similar things
- Relevance - Does anyone care
- Sustainability - Can we keep it going
More on this later when I can move my notes over.
Functionality #
- Blog posts - Create to narate work
- Stories - One for each feature to implement
- Sprints - Groups stories into 1 week time periods
- Backlog/Done - Easy view status of stories
Workflow #
This is the approach I took for the first sprint, it seems to mostly work, but there are probably some areas that could be improved/streamlined:
- When a story idea arises, create a story with 'backlog' tag, add any details that are known
- Each day, write a blog post describing in a general way what has been done on previous day, and what is to be done that day
- Update stories with implementation details and task list
- Create a feature branch for each story, then a sub branch for each coding task
- Once story is completed, update the 'backlog' tag to 'done'
- Merge sub branches when theny are complete into story branch
- Merge story branch into master
- Do a retrospective at the end of the week
Questions #
- Where should links to blog post written during the sprint be added?
- Should completed sprints be displayed with strikethrough?
- Should there be a way to view in progress stories?
- Is the feature branch / sub task branch technique error prone? (It's easy to merge task into the wrong branch)
- Should story pages display currently assigned tags?
- Next: Create github project
- Previous: Ensure creating new sprints is as expected