Geaux Section 4 Sprints

Module Two Notes

Clock Model #

All the touchpoints a consumer has with a brand
next day shipping
return policy

Before buying something
Must develop awareness, have intent

Examples of Pre-Purchase Branding #

  1. Advertising
  2. Trade Shows
  3. Events
  4. Sponsorships
  5. Social Media
  6. PR

Examples of Purchase Branding #

  1. Distribution
  2. Packaging
  3. Store Design
  4. User Reviews
  5. UGC
  6. Financing

Examples of Post-Purchase Branding #

  1. Customer Service
  2. Loyalty programs
  3. Warranties
    -FedEx package tracking
    -Hyundai 7 year warranty

Impossible to invest at all three
Best firms pick one and outsource the other Two

Hard part of advertising is not what to do, but what not to do

[[Case Study 2 - Ledger]]

Three Hurdles Framework #

  1. Differentiation - stands out vs other similar things
  2. Relevance - Does anyone care
  3. Sustainability - Can we keep it going

Customer - relevance
competitors - differentiation
self - sustainability

Expensive to differentiate

Create sustainability with research and patents

Provide framework for evaluation

This is a Geaux Section 4 Sprint created with the Geaux Sprint System